They’re extraordinary kids.
Let’s gift them with an ordinary childhood.
When Shluchim move far from any community and comfort, these online and in-person programs help their kids have a happy, Chassidishe childhood
Your gift supports the programming that helps kids in remote communities stay connected to others like them — and to their mission.
“The biggest thing for me was the feeling that I was part of something”
Besides the learning, the biggest thing for me was the feeling that I was part of something — which is something my parents would never have been able to give me on their own, because they’re not my peers. Until today, both my parents and are are so grateful for the Nigri Shluchim Online School.
RH, Nigri Shluchim Online School graduate
Weekly Erev Shabbos event
Virtual Shabbos Party keeps hundreds of young Shluchim entertained, connected and passionate.
Held every Friday afternoon for children in the younger ages
Gives their parents a break on busy Fridays – and gets kids excited for the Shabbos ahead
Includes music, interactive games, stories, and surprises in the Shabbos spirit
In-person annual kinus
The annual Kinus Tzeirei Hashluchim gives over 4,000 children chizzuk and chayus that lasts all year long.
A weekend packed with learning, farbrenging, trips – and a comfort in knowing they have friends who understand
Taking kids to the Ohel – many for the very first time
Run by 600 warm, dedicated staff members who serve as Chassidishe role models for the kids
Virtual program for children who can’t attend live
Virtual events
Virtual events throughout the year give parents a break – and allow children to connect with each other.
Special events on days like Lag B’Omer, Yemei Dipagra, and the break between school and camp
Always packed with fun, interactive activities
Winter camp
The Tzeirei Hashluchim Winter Camp gives young Shluchim the chance to connect with their friends in person, gaining chizzuk and good memories that carry them all year.
A 10-day camp with both girls and boys divisions
An opportunity for life-long friendships
Packed with fun trips and amazing Chassidishe programs
Gives them koach to go back to their Shlichus and thrive during the year ahead
Piece of home
When children leave their families to study in Crown Heights, thoughtful care packages make them feel less alone.
Packages are sent when they are most needed, such as the first Shabbos of the new year
Deliveries of warm chicken soup when a young Shlucha is feeling under the weather
Best buddies
Kids are paired with high school students, cultivating big-little brother/sister relationships with Chassidishe role models.
Weekly calls to learn, chat, or do activities
An opportunity for young Shluchos to form life-long friendships
Mishloach Manos Mania
A personal mishlaoch manos package from a fellow young Shliach makes Purim on Shlichus still feel like a fun time with friends.
Pairs Young Shluchim from around the world with each other so they can give and receive mishloach manos packages — just like “regular” city kids.
Brings joy and connection to their Purim celebrations
Nigri Shluchim Online School
The Nigri SOS makes sure that young Shluchim can receive a high-quality Chassidishe chinuch — no matter where they are in the world.
A live, K-8 school with classes, teachers, report cards, homework, and group projects – just like any regular school
Opportunities for socializing through extensive extracurricular activities, an in-person annual reunion and an 8th-grade graduation trip
Prepares children academically and socially so they can successfully transition to high school and Yeshiva environments.
Multiple time zones, and English and Hebrew options
Heavily subsidized with only 45% covered by tuition
Making the miles melt away
With Young Shluchim Programming, the Shluchim Office gives kids on Shlichus a real school, real friends, and a real sense of belonging
Weekly Erev Shabbos event
Virtual Shabbos Party keeps hundreds of young Shluchim entertained, connected and passionate.
Held every Friday afternoon for children in the younger ages
Gives their parents a break on busy Fridays – and gets kids excited for the Shabbos ahead
Includes 12 pesukim, niggungim, interactive games, stories, and surprises in the Shabbos spirit
In-person annual Kinus
The annual Kinus Tzeirei Hashluchim gives over 4,000 children energy and inspiration that lasts all year long.
A weekend packed with learning, farbrenging, trips – and a comfort in knowing they have friends who understand
Taking kids to the Ohel – many for the very first time
Run by 600 warm, dedicated staff members who serve as Chassidishe role models for the kids
Virtual program for children who can’t attend live
Virtual events
Virtual events throughout the year allow children to connect with each other.
Special events on days like Lag B’Omer, Yemei Dipagra, and the break between school and camp
Always packed with fun, interactive activities
Winter camp
The Tzeirei Hashluchim Winter Camp gives young Shluchim the chance to connect with their friends in person, gaining chizzuk and good memories that carry them all year.
A 10-day camp with both girls and boys divisions
An opportunity for life-long friendships
Packed with fun trips and amazing Chassidishe programs
Gives them koach to go back to their Shlichus and thrive during the year ahead
Piece of home
When children leave their families to study in Crown Heights, thoughtful care packages make them feel less alone.
Packages are sent when they are most needed, such as the first Shabbos of the new year
Deliveries of warm chicken soup when a young Shlucha is feeling under the weather
Best buddies
Kids are paired with high school students, cultivating big-little brother/sister relationships with Chassidishe role models.
Weekly calls to learn, chat, or do activities
An opportunity for young Shluchos to form life-long friendships
Mishloach Manos Mania
A personal mishlaoch manos package from a fellow young Shliach makes Purim on Shlichus still feel like a fun time with friends.
Pairs Young Shluchim from around the world with each other so they can give and receive mishloach manos packages — just like “regular” city kids.
Brings joy and connection to their Purim celebrations
Nigri Shluchim Online School
The Nigri SOS makes sure that young Shluchim can receive a high-quality Chassidishe chinuch — no matter where they are in the world.
A live, K-8 school with classes, teachers, report cards, homework, and group projects – just like any regular school
Opportunities for socializing through extensive extracurricular activities, an in-person annual reunion and an 8th-grade graduation trip
Prepares children academically and socially so they can successfully transition to high school and Yeshiva environments.
Multiple time zones, and English and Hebrew options
Heavily subsidized with only 45% covered by tuition
Your gift supports the programming that helps kids in remote communities stay connected to others like them — and to their mission.
“... [It] made every single difficulty in our Shlichus worth it”
We wanted to thank you for the amazing privilege Levi had, speaking in front of so many young Shluchim [at the Kinus]. Watching him speak made us so proud. Seeing how affected he was, how passionate he was, made every single difficulty in our Shlichus worth it. But more so, the responsibility you gave him empowered and inspired him to come back to Shlichus, to a life so different than your average boy, and to feel that he has an army of fellow Shluchim who are just like him, who support him and go through the same challenges and joys. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Mrs. Shayna Matusof
Habad des Pyrénées Atlantiques, France
They’re smart. They’re kind. They’re cute.
And they’re the only frum kid for miles.
They wouldn’t give it up for anything in the world.
These Kids Are The Next Generation Of Shluchim.
We wanted to thank you for the amazing privilege Levi had, speaking in front of so many young Shluchim [at the Kinus]. Watching him speak made us so proud. Seeing how affected he was, how passionate he was, made every single difficulty in our Shlichus worth it. But more so, the responsibility you gave him empowered and inspired him to come back to Shlichus, to a life so different than your average boy, and to feel that he has an army of fellow Shluchim who are just like him, who support him and go through the same challenges and joys. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Mrs. Shayna Matusof
Habad des Pyrénées Atlantiques, France
“... [It] made every single difficulty in our Shlichus worth it”
Your gift supports the programming that helps kids in remote communities stay connected to others like them — and to their mission.
They need the same things as any other kid.
Being a kid on shlichus means a limited social life. They love their siblings — but they still need friends. Who their age can they play with, laugh with, or share secrets with?
They’re bright, they’re eager to learn, they have a burning love for Torah — but without formal learning, how will they gain the fundamental skills and knowledge?
They’re different from the kids in their local community, different from the ones who live near other Jews. Is there anybody else who gets them?
Happy, well-adjusted kids
They have a responsibility to both their kids and the community. The only way they can keep up their mission is if their kids are happy, content, and secure.
Chinuch for their children
Homeschooling isn’t enough. With no other social structure, their kids rely on the camaraderie, integration – and education – of a proper school setting.
Your gift supports the programming that helps kids in remote communities stay connected to others like them — and to their mission.
Their parents make do without extended family and no catering for the Shabbos kiddush (every single week) — but there are some things that aren’t negotiable.
“He lives with the chayus and hiskashrus to the Rebbe from the Kinus for the entire year”
"Like many other Shluchim, we live in a place where there is very little exposure to Chassidishe experiences. The Kinus provides a yearly boost for the entire year for my son. He lives with the chayus and hiskashrus to the Rebbe from the Kinus for the entire year! It gives him pride to be a Shliach and a koch in Shlichus. Feeling that he is part of a huge Shluchim family and Av Echad Lekulanu. Thank you for providing him with this most important experience in such a fun way!"
Rabbi Eli Reyder, Myrtle Beach, SC
“It gave him a boost of Shlichus pride”
"The Kinus had a hugely positive impact. It gave him a boost of Shlichus pride. He loved receiving the piece of cloth from the Rebbe and visiting where the Rebbe worked and lived. He also loved being able to be around like-minded peers."
Chaim and Meira Roome, Okinawa, Japan
The cost of their commitment.
Because the Nigri Shluchim Online School caters to Shluchim (often from smaller towns), tuition is always a flat rate – significantly less than the average cheder or girls’ school.
And that only covers 45% of the costs: the full-time tech team and unique software, the higher costs of small classes with only 11 students on average, and the robust extracurricular programming that imbues chayus and Chassidishkeit.
The additional funding for both the school and other programs comes from community members like you – who care about our Shluchim, care about their children, and care about the chinuch of our dedicated families.
“Our children continue on to high school or yeshiva with a strong foundation from the stellar standard of learning they receive here”
The feeling of belonging our children receive, and really feeling like they are a part of a network is unparalleled and truly priceless. Our children continue on to high school or Yeshiva with a strong foundation from the stellar standard of learning they receive here. Our children love their teachers and the positive attitude they share creates a really happy learning environment in their classrooms
Mrs. Chanie Bukiet
Bradenton, Florida
Be there for Yidden from Australia to Mexico— without moving across the world.
Your partnership of $9/month
Nurtures healthy, happy childhoods
with opportunities for friendship, positive role models, and a Lubavitch education.
Builds the next generation of Shluchim
because strong hiskashrus and pride means they’ll want to carry it on.
Brings Yiddishkeit to far-off places
by making it possible for families to move far from any Jewish infrastructure.
Frees Shluchim from carrying the burden of chinuch alone
while knowing it’s going to be filled with Torah and Chassidishkeit.
Counting the connections
Graduates of the Nigri Shluchim Online School – many of whom are Shluchim today
Full-time students currently in Nigri Shluchim Online School
Care packages delivered annually to Nigri Shluchim Online School graduates now studying away from home
Percentage of the programming costs covered purely by donations from people like you
Young Shluchim attend the annual winter camp in Florida – an adventure they countdown to all year long
Shluchim’s children attend the annual Kinus
“We've been blown away by the activities, trips, and toichen planned for this past week”
We are going to pick up our daughter from winter camp in an hour, and she has had the very best time. We've been blown away by the activities, trips, and toichen planned for this past week and we are beyond grateful to you for giving Mimi this incredible opportunity!
Mrs. Mushka Weinbaum
Birmingham, Alabama
Your gift supports the programming that helps kids in remote communities stay connected to others like them — and to their mission.
They’ll go anywhere in the world.
But they can only live far when we stand right with them.
Be part of a young Shliach's village. Help raise a pioneer.
Your donation of $9/dollars a month helps a young Shliach to have a community and sense of belonging.
Chaim in Australia will develop a close bond with his teacher, Esther in Brazil will make lasting friendships in winter camp, and Shaina in Columbus will be empowered to carry the torch onward.
But it goes much further.
When they head to seminary or to yeshiva, they’ll fit right in — academically and socially, just like the other kids.
When deciding where to settle, they’ll likely choose to go on Shlichus too, knowing that their own children will have the same happy, normal childhood that they did.
When growing up, they’re just like everyone else – with access to all the pivotal childhood elements every kid needs.
You’re not just making children happy today.
You’re building leaders.
Bring light to the furthest corners of the world.
Your gift supports the programming that helps kids in remote communities stay connected to others like them — and to their mission.
“When you don't have any other frum friends in your city, [these programs] are your whole life”
As a kid, when you don't have any other frum friends in your city, the online school is your whole life. The Kinus was the highlight of the year – we waited for it all year. You can unite with all your friends who are just like you. You feel so comfortable with all those kids who are doing the same thing and experience all the same difficulties.
CL, Nigri Shluchim Online School graduate – and current teacher
“We have friends, they just live in Denmark or Hong Kong or other places!”
We had after school programs, Bnos Chabad, newsletters — in eighth grade we were in charge of these newsletters, and we ran programs for the younger grades. It was a normal school. People would ask us “What do you do about friends? You don’t go to a normal school!” And we’d say “Yes, we do! We have friends — they just live in Denmark or Hong Kong and other places!”
CB, Nigri Shluchim Online School graduate
און זיין געבענטשט מיט אלע ברכות
"און דורך דעם וואס מ'וועט טאן בזה באופן האמור – וועט מן צום אלעם ערשטן מצליח זיין אין קיום השליחות, און מיט א התלחה למעלה מן המשוער; און דערצו וועט מען אויך האבן הצלחה אין די אייגענע ענינים – בבני חיי ומזוני רויחי וכולם רויחי – געזונטע קינדער, און געזונטע אייניקלאך, און מאכן גוטע שידוכים, און זיין געבענטשט מיט אלע ברכות."
"Following the above will, first and foremost, ensure success in the fulfillment of the Shlichus beyond all expectations, and in addition, will result in one's personal success--children, health and sustenance, all in great abundance; healthy children and grandchildren; attaining good Shidduchim for one’s children; and blessings in every possible manner."
The Rebbe’s bracha after asking for a central shluchim office to be established